This song by Nirvana has always been my fav amongst all since so many years ago. The main reason is the symbolism of hurt and anguish felt by Cobain of the trusted people surrounding him which are using him for their own interest.
Sometimes I also felt the same. Some friends continously use you for their own purposes. What hurts some more is that this friend is also a close one. And for that persons interest, i felt like i'm continously being used again and again and again. I mean, I have nothing to gain by helping this person. In fact, by helping this person... it's like slowly hurting my soul due to what has happened in the past. But ... dunno la dudes, it's difficult to turn down a person's request for help and assistance. That being the person that i am. But can't this person stop and look around for a while... can't this person see what he/she is doing is victimising me as a friend to do something that is hurting me also. Does this person have any heart to spare to see me in this state of health to force myself some more to help. To plead with me... i mean.. who is going to help me then after this because definitely i would be forgotten.................
At the end of the day... you would only require a friend like me when you are in need...... what about me..... to be left to rot like a decaying piece of rag..... Rape me my friend...... again and again..........................
One day I hope you would truly open your eyes and really see.....
Rape me,
Rape me my friend
Rape me,
Rape me again
I'm not the only one
Hate me
Do it and do it again
Waste me,
Rape me ,my friend.
I'm not the only one
My favorite inside source
I'll kiss your open sores
Appreciate your concern
You'll always stink and burn
Rape me,
Rape me my friend
Rape me,
Rape me again
Im not the only one
meh saya rape awak...erkkk...ekekek...
errrkkkk................ am'mmmaaaaaaaa
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